Charity and Community

Charity and Community

At Brightside Dental, we care deeply about giving back, both to our local community, and those in need.

And a while back, we made the decision to be much more conscious about how to do that, sitting down as a team to make a plan of action.

We all feel proud of the impact we have on our patients’ lives, but why stop there?

Our Brightside values aren’t just for the dental chair and reception, but for the world around us.

We’re friendly, we’re understanding and we’re involved – all words that relate to being part of something, and interacting as part of a community.  And to do that, we decided to put our money where our mouths are, by joining the B1G1 initiative, and donating to worthy causes each and every month.


Buy1GIVE1 is a social enterprise founded and based in Singapore in 2007 whose aim is to work with small businesses around the world to completely transform the way giving has been perceived in the past.

B1G1 moves giving from an ad-hoc, event-driven model to a very specific transaction-based giving model — a world where every transaction gives back and makes a difference.

The system is based on a scheme in which day to day activities can have an enormous impact on someone’s life, and means that giving becomes a habit that happens like clockwork.

100% of contributions made by B1G1 Businesses partners are passed directly to the Worthy Cause organisations through B1G1 Giving. B1G1 takes nothing from the contributions, nor does it receive funds from charities in any way for the services it provides.

The Brightside Dental team started our partnership with B1G1 in January 2012, following our practice principal Ketan Shah meeting the B1G1 founder Paul Dunn at a conference and since then every month we have contributed to help a variety of causes.

In essence, the way it works is every time a new patient joins our practice; a patient has a dental hygiene treatment or joins our membership club, they are helping people less fortunate by us making a donation on their behalf.

A small contribution from everyone makes a global difference.

Dental Recycling

We all understand the importance of recycling, and we’re also aware that in the dental world, a lot has traditionally been thrown away, when it should be recycled.

We’re doing our bit to try and fix that, which is why we are in partnership with Phillips and Terracycle, which allows us to recycle used dental products.  There’s a box located in the practice entrance, which you’re welcome to use and tell family and friends about, even if they aren’t Brightside patients.

Dental Recycling
Stand Up To Cancer

Stand Up To Cancer

Brightside team members took up the challenge to do 100 squats a day for a month and raised £707 for Cancer Research.

What’s next?

We’re always on the lookout for ways in which we can give back and help the local community – if there are causes or initiatives you think we should be getting involved in, please let us know, and we’ll see what we can do.
