Visit To Osidge School By Brightside Dental

I was honoured to be asked by my children’s school – Osidge Primary School in Southgate to speak with the nursery children about what I do. The children were aged 3-4 years old and some of whom had experienced visiting the dentist before and some had not. We spoke about good and bad foods and drinks for the teeth. The children were very enthusiastic and interacted with the questions asked and had good overall knowledge about dental health.

We then discussed brushing of the teeth and played an interactive game and used the Aquafresh brushing app as a tool to help with brushing and make if more fun.

I think I had as a good a time as the children and had a lovely surprise of a huge card they had made for me a few days later.

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It’s important for children to have good dietary and oral hygiene habits, as well as visiting their dentist on a regular basis. It can often be difficult to brush your children’s teeth especially at a young age, so the more fun they have, the easier it is for you.

For any further help and advice give us a call on 020 88884401

Ketan Shah