04 December 2015
Statistically speaking, the ancient Romans had better teeth than we do today…
I know it sounds pretty crazy, but it’s absolutely true! After months of research studying CAT scans of the remains of 30 men, women and children who perished beneath the...
Read More27 November 2015
How should you be cleaning your teeth?
How many times a day do brush your teeth? For how long? Do you get into all the nooks and crannies, areas where bacteria likes to hide, or sugar likes...
Read More20 November 2015
Don’t let stained teeth rain on your parade…
When out on nights out and your friends are snapping photos of the evening’s best moments, are you always staring into the camera with pursed lips because you’re ashamed of...
Read More13 November 2015
Would this make you come for a check-up?
If you were offered a free filling, extraction or cleaning for just one day, would you take that opportunity with open arms? I found teeny article that piqued my interest....
Read More06 November 2015
The right dentist for your family…
Keeping your teeth in tip-top order is imperative to not only a healthy mouth and good oral hygiene, but also a cracking, pearly white smile. Nobody wants teeth that are...
Read More28 September 2015
People actually brush their teeth with their fingers?!
Check out this crazy article I found the other day: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3209076/HALF-adults-fail-brush-teeth-night-tired-admit-using-FINGER-brush.html A new survey released by GSK has revealed some astounding facts about the dental habits of us Brits. Allow...
Read More21 September 2015
Teeth straightening is NOT a DIY process!
Nowadays I see more and more people attempting to straighten their teeth at home. There’s a common misconception that teeth straightening is a simple process – just move the tooth...
Read More18 September 2015
The things most people don’t realise about their teeth…
When it comes to your teeth, your dentist can pick up on a lot more than you think – simply by taking a quick glance at your mouth. In fact,...
Read More11 September 2015
Invisalign…for the self-conscious teenager
It happens to most of us as some stage in our lives… Braces. We can’t all have straight pearly whites right out of the box. So unless you’ve been born...
Read More03 September 2015
Pain-free tooth repair… can you imagine it?
When we’re experiencing tooth pain and we know in the immediate future we’re going to have to get it checked out, the first thing most of us are likely to...
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