18 February 2016
This will make your teeth fall out. Don’t do it.
There are lots of ‘do it yourself’ projects out there which you can complete successfully with just a little time and effort. However, teeth straightening is not one of them....
Read More05 February 2016
The top 5 things about Botox you thought were true…
Botox is one of the most popular facial rejuvenation treatments out there, however there are still a few misconceptions surrounding it… Only you and your medical practitioner know if Botox...
Read More22 January 2016
6 myths about children’s teeth – debunked!
We all like to think we know how to look after our children’s teeth, but shocking figures showing that a third of children start school with visible tooth decay reveal...
Read More15 January 2016
Want to whiten your teeth? Here are 5 things you need to know.
Typically, the beginning of a New Year is when people start to think about bettering themselves and how they want to change. While some of the more popular options include...
Read More15 January 2016
It’s never too late to fix a crooked smile. Here’s why…
Catching yourself in the mirror and focusing on misaligned teeth can really eat away at your self-esteem. Combine that with a fear of the dentist’s office and your smile can...
Read More08 January 2016
The future of dentistry is here!
What would you do if your dentist told you they were going to print you a replacement tooth? What if they went on to say that this would also aid...
Read More01 January 2016
Most people don’t realise that this is illegal…
It’s time to talk about teeth whitening again! This week we’re going to take a look into the legalities of the procedure… By law, teeth whitening can only be carried...
Read More25 December 2015
Flossing – the good, the bad and the ugly.
What if I told you that there’s a bad side to flossing? You probably wouldn’t believe me. Allow me elaborate… Flossing at its core isn’t a bad process, as you’ve...
Read More18 December 2015
Eight little tips for maintaining your teeth…
One of the things I get asked about the most as a dentist is for tips on how to maintain healthy teeth on a day-to-day basis. So here you go...
Read More11 December 2015
Don’t fall for this latest teeth-whitening fad!
Time and time again these “natural” teeth whitening trends pop up around the Internet. Unfortunately people constantly fall for them, wasting time, money and energy on something that isn’t really...
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