National Smile Month 2020

National Smile Month is an initiative created by the Oral Health Foundation and takes place once a year. This year it ends on 18th June. The purpose of the campaign is to promote good oral health.

Together, with thousands of individuals and organisations, it highlights three key messages, all of which go a long way in helping us develop and maintain a healthy mouth. They are:

Ultimately, the aim is to help us achieve good physical andmental well-being by improving our oral health.

These messages are important more than ever with the current climate and with limited access to dental care. Although the campaign runs for a month each year, we strongly recommend you follow these habits throughout the year.

We are very pleased that Brightside Dental has re-opened and we are able to provide face to face patient appointments. We are currently prioritising emergency appointments and seeing patients for whom we can complete treatment that was started before lockdown. We are able to provide dental hygienist appointments, which we know many people have been waiting for.

If you need any help or advice, we are here for you and if we are unable to see you for an appointment, phone and video call options with our dentists are available. For more information about treatments we are able to currently provide visit

If you need anything, please email [email protected] or call us on 020 88884401.