Ketan To Join The Dental Mavericks In Morocco

mavericks-logo1Each quarter at Brightside Dental we decide on a charitable cause that could benefit from the donations we make as a promise to our clients who have patiently waited to be seen for more than 10 minutes past their booked appointment time. Each time we are running late we make a donation to our chosen charity on their behalf.

This quarter we are supporting Dental Mavericks. They are a charity set up to help end daily dental pain for the children of Morocco. Our Principal Ketan Shah has joined the Mavericks team this year with their 2014 project and travelling to Morocco at the end of September for 1 week.

Just imagine, living with your family in an isolated fishing village with no dentists , a high sugar diet , no toothbrushes and no fluoride tooth paste. You don’t need to be a dentist to imagine the consequences, but the dental neglect shocks even the most experienced of this group of national dentists and their team. Abscesses, pain and distress, parents of these children in Morocco are no different to any other around the world, they want their children helping.

Maybe a little pebble in a big pond but 4 years ago a group of dentists from around the UK came together to form the Dental Mavericks charity to provide dental care in remote areas of the world.

Ketan along with a group of dentists and team members will be travelling to the Rif mountains to a remote village called Merchekala. Brightside Dental has supported this charity previously however this year Ketan wants to help out more and join the team and directly help the kids. This project is  self funded by the dentists and along with fundraising and donations from dental suppliers and the public the charity can do its job.

The team plans to treat hundreds of children over the course of the week and mostly carry out extracting rotten teeth, along with fillings and providing education so that the children can look after their own teeth on a daily basis.

For Ketan this will be a chance to use the skills he has to give something back to people who have considerably less.

If you would like to know more or to support Ketan and the Mavericks team visit:
