Four reasons to celebrate (not the weather)

I’ve given up looking at the weather forecast, because all too often, it gives me an answer I’m entirely unprepared for.

In mid-June, you’d think we’d all be in shorts and flipflops, with sunglasses an absolute necessity, but no, plenty of us are still wrapping up, dodging showers and trying to resist the temptation to put the heating on.

Fingers crossed that all changes soon, and we get some sort of summer – in the meantime, I’ve got sunnier news, with four things to celebrate here at Brightside Dental.

First up, Taja was voted as team member of the quarter – congrats, Taja!  Taja joined us nearly two years ago now as a trainee dental nurse, and she’s become an integral part of our team, as is demonstrated in her latest award.

Next, our dental nurse Lana has now clocked up seven years’ service here at Brightside, and the time really has flown.  Not only is she fantastically good her at job, she’s a real pleasure to work with.

Our hygienist and therapist Mihaela is also celebrating a milestone – 9 years at Brightside!

Mihaela’s been in the world of dentistry for a very long time now with over 17 years of experience, and I’m delighted to say that nine of those years have been with us.  She’s passionate about helping our patients and is a real asset to everything we do here.

Last but not least, this month marks 20 years since I started at the practice.  Back then I was an associate dentist under the previous owner, and over the years I took more and more of an active role, eventually taking over the ownership.

It’s been the best decision I ever made – I love my job, our team, our patients and everything we’re doing here at Brightside.  Thank you for the part you play.
