Does Snoring Stop You From Sleeping?
National Stop Snoring Week takes place from April 23rd. With snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) thought to affect over 40% of the population, this is a significant issue.
What many people don’t know is that these conditions can often be treated successfully and you don’t need to suffer. Dentists can play a pivotal role in treatment. At Brightside Dental, we have potential solutions, that are simple and easy to provide and with which we have had great success with. Many people put up with the noises of snoring from their partner and have to adapt. It doesn’t have to be this way and with effective treatment, you and your partner will enjoy a good night’s sleep, increased concentration and energy levels.
Click for more information about these conditions and how our treatment may be effective
For more information or to arrange a consultation for you (or your partner) give us a call on 020 88884401. In support of National Stop Snoring Week, we are offering 25% off treatments booked by 31st May 2018.