DiSC Personality Profiling Training Day

We recently had a training day at the practice with Tony Gedge.  The purpose of the day was to use the DiSC personality profiling system to enable us to work better together.  IMG_2176

The team members at Brightside Dental each completed an online questionnaire prior to the training day.  We spent the day firstly understanding our own personality styles and how we tend to behave along, with the things that may cause us difficulties in interactions with others.  We then looked at how our personality styles relate to other styles and we were able to see our team members styles.  As a result of the day, we learnt ways in which we can adapt and interact with others in order to be most effective in what we do and also how to avoid and manage conflicts that may arise in the workplace.

This also relates to how we deal with our clients, as by us understanding different personality types, we can communicate with them in the best way and provide treatment that is best to suit their needs.  We had a very intensive training day but also had a lot of fun as a result of Tony’s training methods and will now be using what we have learnt on a daily basis both at work and in our personal lives.

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