Customer Service Training and Charity Fundraising

Elena, our practice manager and myself attended a 2 day conference in Manchester at the end of January. Here we learnt from the speakers and other dental professionals about ways to improve our customer service; new technologies in dentistry, how to improve our leadership skills and also about the importance of our health on our performance and how we can improve our patients’ general health as well as the health of their mouth.

Full concentration during the fantastic presentations
Full concentration during the fantastic presentations

We were very fortunate to learn from a wide range of speakers who are experts in their fields and who we would not usually have such an opportunity to learn from their knowledge.

Ketan giving a talk to 150 dental professionals About some of the things working well at  Brightside.
Ketan giving a talk to 150 dental professionals
About some of the things working well at




There was also charity dinner in support of Dental Mavericks who we regularly support in the practice and whom I have travelled to Morocco with twice to help ease the daily dental pain of children there. Over £10000 was raised for this fantastic charity.


Ketan on stage with Phil Olley seeing first hand how we can expand our comfort zones and achieve much more than we think
Ketan on stage with Phil Olley seeing first hand how we can expand our comfort zones and achieve much more than we think



After the event, we had a full afternoon annual team meeting to share what had been learned and to help plan the direction of the practice for the coming year. We’re really excited about 2017 and are sure you will see positive changes in the practice.