Brightside Dental Smile Of The Month October 2021

Karina first visited Brightside Dental in 2019 for routine dental treatment. She had a consultation with our Principal Dentist Dr Ketan Shah as she was unhappy with her smile and wanted to find out about options for improvement.

A comprehensive assessment was carried out and a treatment plan agreed with Karina, based on what she wanted to achieve and also to fit around her lifestyle and job as a busy NHS nurse.

The following treatments were carried out:

  • Invisalign clear removable aligners were used to straighten and improve the positions of Karina’s teeth
  • Boutique teeth whitening
  • Replacement of failing and unsightly metal amalgam fillings with tooth- coloured composite restorations and a porcelain inlay
  • Composite bonding and enamel reshaping to improve the shape of the front teeth

Total treatment from consultation to completion was under 10 months with appointments made around Karina’s long working hours. We managed to give Karina the smile she always wanted in a predictable, safe and cost-effective manner.

Here’s what Karina has to say about her experience:


If you would like to know more about how we could help improve your smile, you can phone the practice at 020 88884401 or email: [email protected].