Brightside Dental Smile Of The Month August 2021
Adil first visited Brightside Dental in summer 2020, just after the first lockdown. He heard about the practice through his father who had treatment with one of our team members.
Adil’s main issue was that his front teeth were crooked and that the fangs
(canines) really stood out. He saw Dr Ketan Shah for a consultation and following extensive planning, the following treatment was agreed and carried out.
-Hygienist treatment to improve gum health
-Teeth straightening using Invisalign clear aligners for just under nine months
-Professional teeth whitening
-Composite bonding and enamel reshaping to make the teeth proportions more even.
The total treatment took less than a year and involved only nine visits at the
One big concern both Adil and Dr Shah had prior to starting treatment was the effects of Covid-19 and if the practice would have to close again. Dr Shah had been researching the latest technological solutions in dentistry and decided to introduce Dental Monitoring. This is a fantastic system which allows the patient to take a scan on their smartphone once a week. This is a simple process and takes only a few minutes. The system incorporates the latest A.I. technology available in dentistry today and is the most accurate way for us to track treatment progress along with many other areas, such as improvements needed in cleaning.
Dental Monitoring was the single biggest reason Adil needed so few
appointments and his treatment was completed around six months ahead of the initial estimation. Second to this was Adil following our advice to the letter. We have since been using Dental Monitoring routinely for our Invisalign patients and are finding treatment is progressing more smoothly, faster and saves patients time.
Adil speaks about his experience with Dental Monitoring here:

Adil achieved the brighter, straighter, even smile he always wanted all during the height of the pandemic and is overjoyed with his new smile and increased confidence as a result.
If you would like to know more about how we could help improve your smile, you can phone the practice or email: