Brightside Dental At Annual Customer Service Conference

Recently 4 of our team members attended a 2 day conference in Manchester along with 130 other dental professionals.  At Brightside Dental we are always looking for ways to improve the service level to our clients and also the equipment and techniques available for how we work. This conference met these aims perfectly.

Over the 2 days we heard a number of speakers who gave us valuable insights of things we can add to our practice or do differently.

Our hygienists Eleanor and Lyndsey with Wendy Briggs
Our hygienists Eleanor and Lyndsey with Wendy Briggs

Wendy Briggs came from America, specifically to attend the conference and spoke about hygiene services and the most up to date research and ways of working. We are excited to have been given the opportunity to work closely with Wendy over the coming year which will enable us to offer an even higher quality of hygiene treatments. We will keep you posted of further developments in due course.

Yar Zuk attended from Canada and gave a fantastic talk. He owns a dental practice and is very well known for owning various celebrity memorabilia. We were one of the few practices in the UK selected last year to take part in the John Lennon Tooth Tour to raise awareness for mouth cancer. This year, we are hoping to work on another project together.

Ketan with Yar Zuk
Ketan with Yar Zuk


We also had the opportunity to speak with many other members to share ideas on what’s working well for them and ways to improve on our customer service.

On the first evening, we attended a charity dinner, where we had great fun and most attendees dressed up for the occasion with the theme with the theme of “Mad Hatter’s Ball”. There was also a serious side to the evening with all ticket proceeds and donations made from the event going to the Dental Maverick’s charity. This is a charity which was set up by Tony and Cally Gedge who organised the conference, where the mission of the charity is to end the daily dental pain of children in Morocco. This is a charity we have supported since they began and it was great to be able to help them at this event.

Fancy dress for the charity dinner
Fancy dress for the charity dinner