Fast And Easy Teeth Straightening

Natalie recently completed a course of teeth straightening for her upper teeth and teeth whitening to improve her smile. She shares her story of why she decided to have the treatment carried out and how she feels about her new smile.

Below you can see before and after photos of how her smile used to be and how it looks now.

Natalie had an upper fixed cosmetic brace which was fitted on the outside of the teeth. This was in place for just over 6 months and she came for review appointments for adjustments every 4-6 weeks. At the end of the treatment, Natalie had a fixed retainer placed on the inside of the teeth and also has a removable retainer to wear at night to help stop the teeth moving. The treatment was completed with a course of teeth whitening to brighten up the colour of Natalie’s teeth and complete her improved smile.

Natalie shares her story of why she decided to go ahead with orthodontic treatment after being unhappy with her smile for many years and how she feels about the outcome of her treatment:

An increasing number of adults are having their teeth straightened to improve their smile. At Brightside Dental, we carry out cosmetic straightening of the teeth, which means discreet braces without lumps of metal and treatment can be carried out in a fast and cost-effective way.

If you would like to know more about our straight teeth solutions, reply to this email or give us a call on 020 88884401.

If you would like a copy of our guide to teeth straightening, reply to this email and we’ll send you a copy.